
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fergie: Reports I'm quitting are "absolute rubbish"!

Sir Alex Ferguson has today rubbished reports he is ready to leave Manchester United at the end of next season and insisted he has no plans to retire.

Fergie, 68, said he intends to remain in charge at Old Trafford as long as his health allows him to, and dismissed stories claiming he had agreed to step down at the end of next season, with Jose Mourinho replacing him.

"There's absolutely no truth in it," Fergie told reporters at his weekly media briefing at United's Carrington training complex.

"It's absolute rubbish. I've absolutely no intention of retiring. And if I did, I would tell the directors. There's only one person I would talk to - David Gill. And the Glazers of course.

"As I have said time and time again, the only that determines my staying here is my health and unfortunately for you lot, I'm in rude health!

"So you'll be left to suffer me for many more years. You'll be gone before I'm gone, don't you worry!"

Fergie, who has been in charge at Old Trafford since 1986, laughed when he was asked whether occasions like United's dramatic 1-0 win in last weekend's Manchester derby - with a goal 17 seconds from time - was the reason he stayed in charge.

"Is that what keeps you healthy?" said Fergie. "I don't think it keeps you healthy, that's for sure. I don't think it's good for you.

"But it's there. You have to accept that there's pressure in life, and I can deal with it. I can certainly deal with it."


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