
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Player review: Neville

Mr Manchester United played a key role in the Reds' bid for silverware and was rewarded with a new deal...

Story of the season: Neville missed the opening game against Birmingham with a groin injury picked up in pre-season, then when he slotted back in he was used carefully, often starting one game then sitting on the bench for the next. “We don’t play him every week because we know the nature of his body,” explained Sir Alex. But despite the odd niggle and an injury in December that kept him out for five games, Neville flourished as the campaign went on, benefiting physically and confidence-wise from a consistent run, and letting his vast experience do the rest. Come February he was in the squad for every league game, and with the big games coming thick and fast Nev stepped it up again; few played bigger roles during March and April.

Finest moment: Ronaldinho who? The much-feted Brazilian hardly got a kick at OT as Neville called on all his graft and guile to keep the one-time World Player of the Year quiet. A few leeks later, Gary performed a similar spoiling job on Manchester City livewire Craig Bellamy, prompting Sir Alex to describe him as “an amazing man”.

Greatest attribute: Professionalism. Fifteen seasons as a first-team regular don’t come for free. Everything about his application and preparation is impeccable and he has got his just rewards with his performance levels, especially considering his injuries. “He’s a player who has got where he is in life because he’s got the will to do it,” Sir Alex said. “When you're out of the game in your 30s for a year-and-a-half, for most players it's impossible to get back to the level he's at now.”

What’s in store? A new contract means Neville will stay at Old Trafford until at least June 2011. There's little doubt he'll continue to turn in sterling performances on the pitch, while young defenders like Jonny Evans and the da Silva twins will benefit from his experience in the dressing room.



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