
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Gerrard: Forget Man United, we want to beat Chelsea

Steven Gerrard insists he wants to beat Chelsea - even though victory could hand Manchester United the title.

Many Kopites would accept losing to Chelsea at Anfield on Sunday if it meant denying their hated rivals the Premier League crown.

United will move clear of Liverpool's tally of 18 titles if they triumph this season and this would be too much for Reds' fans to take.

Gerrard is well aware of the supporters' fears, but says the players are focused on beating Chelsea and Hull in their last two games to boost their faint Champions League hopes.

"We've got a couple of games left now and the idea is to take maximum points to see if we can get into fourth through the back door," said the Reds skipper.

"If we take maximum points, who knows? The teams above us might slip up. All we have done is keep the pressure on those above us."

Gerrard, 29, claims Liverpool can only think about themselves and his big worry is that Everton might finish above them.

Rafa Benitez's side need just one more point to banish that spectre and for Gerrard that would be the final indignity of their hugely-disappointing season.

"We are underdogs for fourth position, but our fans know that we have also got Everton breathing down our necks and we certainly don't want them finishing above us," said the midfielder.

Liverpool's 4-0 win at Burnley was their first league away win this year - and Gerrard knows that is unacceptable for a club like Liverpool.

Gerrard, who scored twice in an outstanding performance at Turf Moor, was heartened by the Reds' improved display against the Clarets even if it may have come too late to affect the race for fourth.

"We won't give up, but it would be stupid of me to say this or that is going to happen. It's important to be realistic," said the England star.

"We haven't been good enough away. When you can't score and you lose your top striker, it can damage belief and affect your confidence, but this was much better."

The win was the ideal boost for Liverpool as they attempt to overturn their 1-0 deficit in Thursday's Europa League showdown with Atletico Madrid at Anfield.

Gerrard is bullish about Liverpool's prospects, despite missing top scorer Fernando Torres.

"We've won games like this before and we hope we can do it again," he said. "We're going to put everything into that game and Thursday can't come quickly enough."


Lampard tells Man United: 'Forget the mind games'

Frank Lampard has told Sir Alex Ferguson and his Manchester United players: 'Forget the mind games - they don't affect us'.

The Chelsea midfielder was speaking as he and his team-mates were showered with praise yesterday, following their 7-0 demolition of Stoke.

Both Fergie and Gary Neville had been insisting before the match that the pressure was on Chelsea to match United's gutsy wins over Manchester City and Stoke.

But following Sunday's emphatic response, Lampard said: "The talk doesn't matter.

"All that matters is the concentration in the camp in training and in games. And approaching games in the right way and getting the right result.

"Now we are getting to the stage where the talk, well all it does is give column inches really. What matters is getting out there and playing."

Chelsea now face a massive test at Liverpool having not won at Anfield in the League since 2005.

The spotlight is now on Rafa Benitez's men for whom victory would hand United the title, while defeat would wreck their slim hopes of Champions League football.

But Lampard insisted Chelsea do not expect any favours from Liverpool. He said: "There is no chance that 11 Liverpool players can go out and consider Manchester United winning the Championship on that game. They will go out to win the game.

"They are professional. The manager's professional, the players are professional.

"There's no way they will think about not winning the game regardless of whether it gets them into the Champions League for next year or not. Even if they are out of it.

"They will give everything. There's no doubt about that."


Gerrard will keep our dream alive

WAYNE ROONEY has no doubts his pal and former mentor Steven Gerrard will be busting a gut to beat Chelsea on Sunday.

A victory for Liverpool could put Manchester United well on the way to a record 19th title which will be a nightmare scenario for the Anfield faithful.

But Rooney knows Kop skipper Gerrard will not be worried about such consequences, especially as Rafa Benitez's men still have an outside chance of snatching the fourth Champions League qualifying spot.

Gerrard, 29, took a young Roo under his wing when the Manchester United striker first announced his arrival on the England scene and the pair are firm friends.

Evertonian Rooney, 24, is expecting Gerrard to do United a big favour before they take on Sunderland at the Stadium of Light later that same afternoon.

Chelsea sit one point clear at the top of the table with two matches remaining and on paper they have the trickier run-in with fixtures against Liverpool and at home to Wigan.

As he basked in the glory of being crowned the PFA's Player of the Year, Rooney said: "I would swap the PFA award right now for the League.

"We are pushing forward and in a decent position and hopefully Chelsea can slip up and we will take advantage.

"I don't need to have a word with Stevie about making sure Liverpool win. You see what a good player and competitor he is even in friendly games.

"He wants to win and I'm sure he will want to win this one.

"Liverpool are fighting to get into Europe and with the history behind the club I'm sure they are all determined. It is the last home game of the season and their fans will not really be too pleased if they don't turn up."

Rooney missed last Saturday's superb 3-1 victory over Spurs with a groin injury caused by putting too much pressure on his left side to protect his damaged right ankle.

He has been ruled out of the Sunderland trip but has targeted the final game of the season against Stoke for his comeback, allaying any fears he could miss out on the World Cup.

Rooney added: "Obviously I'm disappointed to have missed a couple of games but I'll be fine.

"Hopefully I will play again before the season finishes and get ready for the World Cup.

"You don't like watching from the stands. I want to play and knowing you cannot influence the game is a frustrating thing.

"The season has gone quite well for me. The manager is playing me up front every game which I've been asking for for years and the service has been better.

"I have been getting on the end of those crosses.

"I've been working on my heading and it's nice when you work on something and it pays off - although it's probably given me a bigger bald patch!"

Ryan Giggs took over the penalty-taking duties for the victory over Spurs, converting twice from the spot, but Rooney will resume the responsibility upon his comeback.

He insisted: "No I don't think I've lost the penalty-taker's job - Giggsy scored two great pens but I'll be back on it when I get back."

Rooney is greedy. He wants a fourth successive Premier League title and then to finish the season off in style by lifting the World Cup.