
Friday, April 16, 2010

Boss eyes summer buys

Sir Alex Ferguson has a maximum of two transfer targets for the summer months, although he says he would still prefer to nurture young talent than spend big in an inflated market.

United already have Mexican striker Javier Hernandez and young English defender Chris Smalling due to arrive at Old Trafford in the close-season. But Sir Alex says he has his eye on a couple more additions.

"From our point of view, we have a good structure. We may need to tweak here and there – a player here, maybe a player there," the boss said on Friday.

"We tend to like buying young players and to build them up within the club. We’ve been good at that over the years. We won’t change that, that’s the reason we signed Hernandez from Mexico. We may buy another player this summer, maybe two at the very most, because that’s where we are, our structure is good. We may look at one or two things, but nothing serious."

Sir Alex also doesn't feel the need to compete with the spending power of our neighbours and Saturday lunchtime's opponents, Manchester City, who the United boss said could afford to sign 10 new players if they succeeded in securing the fourth Champions League spot.

"If we were to prioritise a player, I doubt City would be going for that player as well," he said. "They are maybe after a different type of player, but I don’t know what they are up to or what their plans are. Nobody knows, but they have a buying power that is different from most other clubs.

"The important thing is not to confuse ourselves with other clubs who have so much buying power. That’s just a fact. We don’t really need to worry about that. It was the same when Chelsea were buying players, we didn’t bother ourselves with that. What we tried to do is look at ourselves and see how we can develop our team. And we proved to be successful at it."

And as a precursor for the wild rumours that are likely to persist over the summer, Sir Alex gave short shrift to the suggestion that Real Madrid might test the waters with a bid for Wayne Rooney this summer.

"Well, this is the silly season, isn’t it? Wayne will be here next year."


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